We strive to create positive change through empowering and guiding those with POTS and dysautonomia.
mproving lives one step at a time with Spoons Of Salt.
uilding a supportive community for those struggling with their illness.
Spoons Of Salt has been a tremendous help in supporting me on my journey with POTS. The support group sessions have been invaluable.
Founded with a passion for empowering and guiding those with POTS, Spoons Of Salt began with a vision of creating a supportive community for those navigating the tachy times.
Become part of a transformative movement by joining Spoons Of Salt. Together we can make lasting change.
Spoons Of Salt aims to make a significant impact in our community through our non-profit organization. By providing services and support to those in need, we strive to create positive change. Our efforts have helped to improve the lives of many, and we are committed to continuing to make a difference.